Atrium B&B Eau Claire, Wisconsin, United States |
City side seclusion on 15 wooded creekside acres with birds & wildlife, hiking paths & gardens. Try snowshoeing in the winter wonderland. Enjoy complimentary wine and cheese in the conservatory and delight in the contemporary home's antique stained glass windows. Be pampered in guest rooms with fireplace & whirlpool for 2 with gourmet breakfast served to your door if you choose. We are business friendly!
"We’ve been using passive solar heating in the conservatory since we bought the property in 1993 and have been investigating sustainable practices as they become available and can be incorporated into the operation of The Atrium B&B. It’s good to be able to point out these practices so that guests may perhaps be inspired and able to go home and implement some of the same. Many are simple and cost effective such as switching to florescent light bulbs, using bath towels more than once, or practicing chemical-free gardening."
-Celia and Dick
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