Best Green Hotels: Casa Camarona Lodge

Casa Camarona Lodge  
Puerto Viejo, Costa Rica

The hotel has a green procurement program aiming to keep purchases environmentally sensitive. The hotel hires and trains locals and buys handicrafts to sell in the gift shop and for decorating.

The attributes below are briefly defined when you hover your mouse over the term and in more detail on the Definitions Page.

No: Yes: Unknown: Promised but not provided:
Towel Program  
Sheet Program  
Cotton Towels/Sheets  
Alternative Energy  
Maintenance for Conservation  
Energy Conservation  
Bulk Soap & Amenities  
Newspaper Program  
Organic Food Served  
Eco-friendly Food Served  
Promote "greenness" in PR  
Educate Guests to "green"  
Educate Staff to "green"  
Participate in Green Program(s)  
Fresh Air  
Non-Smoking Rooms  
Environmental Cleaning  
Water Conservation  
Xeric Garden  
Gray-Water Recycling  
Recyclable Disposables  
Compostable Disposables  
Durable Service Items  
Guestroom Recycling Bins  
Hotel Recycling Bins  
Donating to Charity  
Conference Center/Rooms  
Fitness Center  

None at this time

Reviews shown on Best Green Hotels are the opinion of the individual reviewer; your experiences may differ. If they do, we hope you'll send your comments to be added to the page.


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