Your review is greatly appreciated!

Sharing your "green hotel" experience with other travelers is helpful. Not only will your review help guide others in their green hotel selection, but it will also help show hotels that "green" matters. Help encourage more hotels to take green actions by showing your passion and commitment to green travel.

Green hotels are important in the preservation of the world. You are doing your part by choosing green hotels for your travel accommodations. You are doing your part by writing this review.

Your correspondence is important to us and we appreciate you taking the time to communicate with us. Thank you!

It is our hope that together, we can make a difference in the world. With your help we can change hotels' approaches to business and show them the wisdom of operating a green hotel. Make your preference for green hotels known as you travel. Ask what green actions a hotel takes as you book your room and as you check in. Suggest green actions they can take every time you communicate with them. If they don't live up to their promises of green actions, report it to management -- and to Best Green Hotels.

For more information about green travel tips, read these articles:
Consumers Seeking Green Hotel Eco-labels
Why Environmentally Friendly Hotels
Why Sustainable Travel and Tourism

Copyright © 2005 - 2009 Sage Blossom Consulting, Ridgway Colorado