Best Green Hotels: Snake River Lodge and Spa

Snake River Lodge and Spa  
Teton Village, Wyoming, United States

This hotel purchases wind-generated electricity as part of its renewable energy program. They also have a green procurement program, ensuring the purchase of green products with reduced packaging.

Visitors can buy bio-diesel and E10 fuels at the park. The fleet also uses synthetic fuel, in addition to the bio-diesel and E10 fuels.

The attributes below are briefly defined when you hover your mouse over the term and in more detail on the Definitions Page.

No: Yes: Unknown: Promised but not provided:
Towel Program  
Sheet Program  
Cotton Towels/Sheets  
Alternative Energy  
Maintenance for Conservation  
Energy Conservation  
Bulk Soap & Amenities  
Newspaper Program  
Organic Food Served  
Eco-friendly Food Served  
Promote "greenness" in PR  
Educate Guests to "green"  
Educate Staff to "green"  
Participate in Green Program(s)  
Fresh Air  
Non-Smoking Rooms  
Environmental Cleaning  
Water Conservation  
Xeric Garden  
Gray-Water Recycling  
Recyclable Disposables  
Compostable Disposables  
Durable Service Items  
Guestroom Recycling Bins  
Hotel Recycling Bins  
Donating to Charity  
Conference Center/Rooms  
Fitness Center  

None at this time

Reviews shown on Best Green Hotels are the opinion of the individual reviewer; your experiences may differ. If they do, we hope you'll send your comments to be added to the page.

For more information about green travel tips, read these articles: Consumers Seeking Green Hotel Eco-labels
     Why Environmentally Friendly Hotels,   and Why Sustainable Travel and Tourism
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