Environmentally friendly wooden cottage built by following feng-shui principles. The hall is furnished with antiques. The hall and room are decorated with original art by a well known local artist! Country garden with lovely flowers, English roses and organic grown vegtables and fruits. Cats and dog in the house!
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When you review a hotel, the information we are looking for is what your experience was; how you felt about what you saw and did in regards to the hotel. Did you notice any environmentally sensitive steps taken that aren't covered by either the attributes list or the hotel's website? For example, were the shower curtains fabric rather than plastic, the wastebasket unlined, or did the room smell fresh without having been perfumed? Does the housekeeping staff honor the towel/sheet program? Are Styrofoam products offered at any food establishments connected to the environmentally friendly hotel? We want the good and the bad so other green travelers can make informed decisions.
There are lots of little things that go into making a great experience, and lots of little things that go into making a great green experience. That's what we are looking for in the reviews we receive. All comments and submissions become the property of HealthyStays.com, LLC and may be published.